
If you want to see a nice town that you think this comment will start with some pagina.Vai city think it's cool as Paris the capital of France, the Spanish capital Madrid.

Madrid largest city in Spain, as the city of Madrid and the autonomous community of Madrid. The city was founded near the riverManzanares in the center of the country. Due to its geographical and historical, with Lisbon's financial and political center of the Iberian Peninsula.

Following the restoration of democracy in 1976 and accession to the EEC in 1986, the city of Madrid has played an important role in the European economy, becoming a major focus of the financialSouthern Europe. The Gentile city of Madrid is Madrid (madrileño).Its current mayor is Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón. People's Party, center-right.


The city of Madrid in 2003 had a gross domestic product (GDP) of79.785.000.000 €. 10% of Spanish GDP. The most important economic sector is the services sector, representing 85.09% of the city's economy. Within this sector stand out financial services (31.91% of total GDP) and trade activities (31.84% of total GDP).The rest comes from industry GDP (8.96% of total GDP), the construction sector (5.93% of total GDP). Agriculture has a very low expression representing only 0.03% of total GDP.

The industry is increasingly present in Madrid, settling in cities of the metropolitan area, especially the southeast. Nevertheless, the industry continues to have an important weight in the GDP of the city. Construction is the sector that is growing longer, estimated at8.2% in 2005. The trend shows an increase in nonresidential construction, influenced by the slight slowdown in property price increase in 2005.

The Prado Museum is one of the most important museums worldwide, its collection, centered on the time before the twentieth century, emphasizes the art Italian, Spanish and flamenco. Some of the most representative works found there are The Girls, The Forgeof Vulcan, The Triumph of Bacchus, The Naked Maja, The harvest,May 2, 1808, the Three Graces, The Garden of Earthly Delights, Carlos V in Mühlberg , among many others. There is also the museum an important collection of classical Greek and Romansculptures, Renaissance and other periods.

The Reina Sofia Museum is the national museum of Spanish art ofthe twentieth century. It has collections of Pablo Picasso andSalvador Dalí. The best-known work of the museum is Picasso's Guernica. Also there are exposed works of Juan Gris, Joan Miró, Julio González, Eduardo Chillida, Pablo Palazuelo, Antoni Tàpies, Pablo Gargallo, Lucio Muñoz, Luis Gordillo, Jorge Oteiza, OukaLele and José Luis Gutiérrez Solana, among others. It also has anopen-access library specializing in art (it has more than 100,000books, 3,500 audio recordings and 1,000 videos.).

The Archaeological Museum contains exhibits of Spanish art fromprehistory to the nineteenth century, largely in the Iberian Peninsula,is organized on three floors. Some of the most important works arethe Lady of Elche, the Lady of Baza, the Queen of Ibiza, theTreasury Guarrazar, Napier's Bones, the funerary monument of Pozo Moro, shows a mosaic romanos.Ademais, the museum has a reproduction of the polychrome ceiling of the cave of Altamira in the garden.