terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011

Via Lactéa

The photographer Terje Sørgjerd spent a week on the highestmountain in Spain, El Teide, to capture stunning images of the sky.

The sequence of images captured over 170 hours was mounted in the video 'The Mountain', which shows the evolution of the local landscape at an altitude of 3718 meters.

In less than a month, the video has already been seen by more than 8 million people.

The images captured by Sørgjerd show the evolution of the Milky Way in the sky at various stages of the day, view from the top of the mountain, national park of the same name located in the Canary Islands.

"The place is also one of my favorite islands, with a fantastic variety of landscapes and nature. I knew that if I could put thosethings together I certainly inspire people, " said photographer BBCBrazil.

Sørgjerd says that to fully capture its images, slept less than tenhours in total over the week that was on the mountain and facedchallenges as a sand storm coming from the Sahara desert. Thenear-zero visibility with the naked eye did not stop with his camerato capture light from stars behind the clouds of dust.

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